If you're like many people who depend on a personal vehicle to get you back and forth from work, school, shopping, appointments, and assorted errands, you undoubtedly already know that keeping your car in good shape is vital if you want to minimize disruptions to your daily routine. Auto parts can be a major expense, so you'll be glad to know that it's sometimes possible to save money by purchasing them used.
For instance, sometimes when a vehicle is totaled, it still has parts that weren't damaged at all during the accident, which can often be bought for significantly less than their brand-new counterparts. The following auto parts are generally considered to be safe to purchase used provided they are in good condition.
Engine Components
- Cylinder heads
- Crankshafts
- Camshafts
Drivetrain Parts
- Gears
- Axles
- Driveshafts
Suspension and Steering Components
- Control arms
- Tie rods
- Ball joints
Braking System Parts
- Calipers
- Pads
Exhaust System Parts
- Mufflers
- Catalytic converters
Electrical Components
- Alternators
- Starter motors
- Wiring harnesses
However, there are certain auto parts that you should always buy new.
Airbags deploy with a lot of force, and once they have deployed, they need to be replaced. If you purchase a used airbag, you have no way of knowing whether it has been deployed before, so it is best to buy a new one.
Brake Rotors
Brake rotors can warp or become uneven over time, which can affect the performance of your brakes. If you purchase used brake rotors, you have no way of knowing their condition or how much life they have left.
Engine Control Module
The engine control module is a computer that controls the engine's functions. If it is damaged or not working properly, it can cause serious problems with the engine. It is best to buy a new engine control module rather than a used one.
Fuel Pump
The fuel pump is responsible for delivering fuel to the engine. If it is not working properly, it can cause problems with the engine and even cause the vehicle to break down. It is generally not recommended to buy a used fuel pump.
The transmission is a complex system that can be expensive to repair or replace. If you purchase a used transmission, you have no way of knowing its condition or how much life it has left. The exception to this is if the transmission was taken from a new model car with very few miles on it. You can also source mirrors, seats, doors, and similar items from a used auto parts dealer.
Contact a supplier to learn more about auto parts.